Ralph and Vanellope are still as enjoyable as ever, and their conflicts develop really well throughout the movie. I think it was a great sequel to the original 2012 movie, which is one of my favorite movies of all time.
Ralph and Vanellope are still as enjoyable as ever, and their conflicts develop really well I'm typically not a big movie reviewer, but when I saw this, I had to express my opinion. I'm typically not a big movie reviewer, but when I saw this, I had to express my opinion. Henson), who is the head algorithm and the heart and soul of trend-making site “BuzzzTube.” … Expand In way over their heads, Ralph and Vanellope rely on the citizens of the internet – the netizens – to help navigate their way, including a website entrepreneur named Yesss (Taraji P. Reilly) and fellow misfit Vanellope von Schweetz (Sara Silverman) must risk it all by traveling to the world wide web in search of a replacement part of save Vanellope’s video game, Sugar Rush.

Reilly) and fellow misfit Vanellope von Schweetz (Sara Silverman) must risk it all by traveling to the Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 leaves Litwak’s video arcade behind, venturing into the uncharted, expansive and thrilling world of the internet – which may or may not survive Ralph’s wrecking. Summary: Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 leaves Litwak’s video arcade behind, venturing into the uncharted, expansive and thrilling world of the internet – which may or may not survive Ralph’s wrecking.